streda 23. novembra 2016

Winter - Der Winter

Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt zima na púštiWinter 

It is season when is very cold, or now. 
It is season of snow and somewhere yes a somewhere no. 
We have warm clothing, gloves and scarf. 
We have layers of clothes.

excerscise for speaking:

  1. What is symbols of winter?
  2. When will you have holidays and vacation?
  3. What are your tradition on X-mas?
  4. What are your tradition on new year?
  5. Do you know who will have brithday on X-mas?
  6. What happend on the X-mas?
  7. What is the best your wish?
  1. where is snow? how much snow in which land and why?
  2. how much of snow falls in your country for last 5 years?

Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt zimná krajinaVýsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt zimná krajina


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