štvrtok 17. novembra 2016

Intenational day of study students´

Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt study
What day is today? What did happends today before 77 years? Could you itroduce that will you go to school? What would you do? Will you do when for it death threats? 

A lot of  young people don´t know one thing, that someone was died for your education. Maybe you swear at your teacher, maybe you don´t like him, but you can show to your teacher what is in you. Fight ou for something, what help you and another people who stands around you. Be fair, who cry, or furious around, so you calm him. When you see some one who mocks you don´t mock and you say stop,


What did happend today before 77 years? Today happend big and bad things, it is not for laugh, it is not for smile. It is thing for it you could be dead. Today is day when it closed schools in Europe. You had ban which you weren´t going to school.

today 17. 11. 1939 was put to death 9 students and next 10 000 sent to concetracion camp.

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