utorok 15. augusta 2017

Discover Slovak Biscuits!

Slovak Biscuits

Slovak biscuits are very different and sometimes original. They have its traditions and recepture. Its is very delicious sweet, which you may don´t resist. Good sweat delicious on your tongue and it is joy for your stomach. Slovak goods are very good.

And let´s check it: We show 5 my favorite biscuits.

1. Horalka
Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt horalka
Horalka is my favorite biscuit, which is from every edges choked with chocolate. It is very crunchy and delicous when bite off piece of biscuit. And you feel penaut taste and wafer with chocolate. 

Composition: Wheat flour, plant palm and coconat oil. sugar, roasted penauts, cocoa icing, whey powder, soybean flour, cocoa defatted, milk, corn starch, sunflower oil, emilsifier, baking powder. vitellus, aroma.
2. Kávenky
Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt kávenky
Kávenka is second my favorite biscuit, which is wafer with different tasting. With cocoa, cocoa-banana, cappuccino, arabica, cafe-latte and new is wetted in chocolate. This biscuit is very good with a cup of coffe or than biscuit for children to school. The tasting is on you.

Composition: wheat flour, sugar, plant oil, milk, soybean flour, roasted hazelnuts, corn strach, cocoa, roasted coffe. vitellus, raising agent, emulsifier, salt, aroma

3. Mila 
Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt mila rezy
Mila is third my favorite biscuit, which wafer has only two tasting Anita and Mila. I like more Mila then Anita because it si better tasting. Wafer is choked only from up with chocolate. Good tasting, when you need sweet.

Composition: plant oil from coconut and palm, milk, wheat flour, milk, sugar, cocoa topping, soybean flour, spirit, corn starch, sunflower oil, emulsifier, aroma, vitellus, raising agent.

4. Vesna
Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt vesna rezy
Vesna is fourth my favorite biscuit, which has different and now new flavor. Flovors are the vanilla, lemon and cheers and vanilla. It is delicious.

Composition: Plant palm and coconut oil, wheat flour, milk, sugar, vanilla extrakt, vitellus, raising agent, emulsifier, corn starch, salt and whey.

5. Mäta - pronnucation / Meta /
Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt mäta keks
Mäta is fifth and at the same last biscuit, which has full chocolate biscuit with peppermint and very good tasting. 

Composition: wheat flour, cocoa topping, plant fat, sugar, soybean flour, milk, vitellus, emulsifier, corn starch and nature arome of peppermint.


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