piatok 11. novembra 2016

medzinárodný deň vojnových veteránov - international day of war veterans

Today is 11.11., in the history are good and bad things, events and people. Somebody was happy and somebody lost relatives, parents or children. War was wrong and always will be, because there was miseries, tears and sweat. Everyone has life and lost its. Everyone thought that is good but isn´t it.

No love no hug but tears and cry, no money no friends, no more maybe. Is in the war love? Answer is no. They lost friends, family and relatives. But they are here to speak story, no happy-end, no smile but cry and tears, ache and blood. Why? 

Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt vojnový veteránwars veterans who suvived the war

How to decide i think that right, because you will have a lot of experiences. What will you say? What will you do? 

this                                                                   or                   this
Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt stop vojneVýsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt láska

Is on you what will you do? Right way or bad and no between.

opinion about wars veterans and result in their life:

opinion about first World war:


Čo je to a v čom nám pomáha, práve o tom bude dnešní článok, ktorý si môžete prečítať práve teraz a vedieť viac zaujímať sa o záľuby a budov...